ソフトバンク基地局への実質再生可能エネルギー供給プロジェクト ~再生可能エネルギーの普及を通じて持続可能な社会の実現に貢献~ ソフトバンク基地局への実質再生可能エネルギー供給プロジェクト ~再生可能エネルギーの普及を通じて持続可能な社会の実現に貢献~



2020年度 全基地局電力量の30%以上
2021年度 全基地局電力量の50%以上
2022年度 全基地局電力量の70%以上



  • ※1電力の他、事業で使用する重油やガスなどの使用に伴う排出を含む。
  • ※2「カーボンニュートラル2030宣言」の詳細な内容についてはこちらをご覧ください。
  • ※3Scope1(自らによる温室効果ガスの直接排出、およびScope2(他社から供給された電気、熱・蒸気の使用に伴う間接排出)の合計。
  • ※42020年3月末時点
  • ※5化石燃料を使用していない太陽光発電や水力発電などの「非化石電源」からつくられた電気の環境価値を証書化したもの。


すべてのモノ・情報・心がつながる世の中を ソフトバンクのサステナビリティ すべてのモノ・情報・心がつながる世の中を ソフトバンクのサステナビリティ
Project for the Supply of Renewable Energy in effect to Achieve SoftBank’s Carbon Neutrality ~Contributing to the Realization of a Sustainable Society through the Promotion of Renewable Energy~ Project for the Supply of Renewable Energy in effect to Achieve SoftBank’s Carbon Neutrality ~Contributing to the Realization of a Sustainable Society through the Promotion of Renewable Energy~

As a contribution to the mitigation of climate change through technology and business, SoftBank is promoting the use of renewable energy to reduce CO2 emissions in its SDGs initiatives. To this end, with the aim of reducing emissions of greenhouse gases, including those from electricity*1used in its business activities, to effectively zero by 2030, SoftBank has announced a Carbon Neutral 2030 Declaration.*2

SoftBank’s annual greenhouse gas emissions from its business activities amount to approximately 680,000 tons CO2-equivalent (FY2019 results)*3, which is equivalent to that of about 250,000 average households.
In particular, electricity used by SoftBank’s approximately 230,000*4mobile phone base stations (hereinafter “base stations”) across Japan accounts for more than half of SoftBank’s total power consumption. SoftBank has set the following targets for the introduction of renewable energy in effect.

Target Fiscal
Ratio of Renewable Energy
in Effect
FY2020 30% or greater of total power consumed by all base stations
FY2021 50% or greater of total power consumed by all base stations
FY2022 70% or greater of total power consumed by all base stations

Target Ratio of Renewable Energy
in Effect at Base Stations

SB Power supplies renewable energy in effect to SoftBank’s base stations using renewable energy-based “non-fossil fuel energy certificates.”*5 At the end of FY2020, approximately 30% of the electricity we supplied to the base stations was renewable energy in effect. To help meet SoftBank’s target of carbon neutrality by FY2030, we will also pursue the supply of renewable energy in effect for electricity used by SoftBank facilities and equipment other than its base stations.

  • *1Includes emissions from the use of fuel oil, gas, etc., used in business as well as electricity.
  • *2See here for details of the Carbon Neutral 2030 Declaration.
  • *3Combined total of Scope 1 (direct emissions that occur from sources owned or controlled by the company) and Scope 2 (indirect emissions associated with the purchase of electricity, steam, heat, or cooling).
  • *4As of March 31, 2020.
  • *5Certification of the environmental value of electricity from “non-fossil fuel power generation,” such as solar power and hydro-electric power that do not use fossil fuel.

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