再生可能エネルギー化の実現 ~非化石証書代理購入サービス~ 再生可能エネルギー化の実現 ~非化石証書代理購入サービス~




  • 化石燃料を使用していない太陽光発電や水力発電などの「非化石電源」からつくられた電気の環境価値を証書化したもの。
Renewable Energy for Real ~Agency purchasing service for non-fossil certificates~ Renewable Energy for Real ~Agency purchasing service for non-fossil certificates~

Renewable Energy for Real
~Agency purchasing service for non-fossil certificates~

Recognizing the growing momentum behind companies adopting renewable energy and making the transition to carbon neutrality, SB Power now offers non-fossil certificates* to its corporate customers. These enable companies to make a genuine shift to renewable energy that satisfies requirements such as RE100 and Japan’s Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures.

By enabling use of electricity with a smaller environmental footprint, this delivers real reductions in CO2 emissions that companies can promote as part of their efforts to achieve the SDGs.

  • *Certification of the environmental value of electricity from “non-fossil fuel power generation,” such as solar power and hydro-electric power that do not use fossil fuel.