




項目 具体的内容 利用目的
社内開示情報 氏名、社員番号、所属部署、役職、雇用形態、社員用メールアドレス、業務用携帯端末に関する情報等 業務連絡のため
基本情報 氏名、住所、年齢、生年月日、性別、電話番号、顔写真等 雇用人事管理、配属(出向・転籍を含む)、社員名簿の作成、給与等の支払い、福利厚生の提供、社会保険関係の手続き、法律上必要な諸手続き、その他雇用管理のため
賃金関係情報 年収、月収、賞与等、給与の決定方法、退職金等 給与等の決定および支払い、源泉徴収手続き、社会保険関係の手続き、退職金および福利厚生、財形、その他雇用管理のため
人事情報 人事考課、学歴、資格・免許、職位、職歴、懲戒・表彰等 人材の把握、配属先・担当職務の決定、出向・転籍、研修・能力開発、昇・降格、その他雇用管理のため
家族、親族情報 家族構成、同・別居、扶養の有無、健康状態等 給与等の決定、源泉徴収手続き、社会保険関係の手続き、育児・介護休業等、福利厚生、その他雇用管理のため
身体、健康情報 健康状態、病歴、心身の障害、健康診断結果等 健康管理、適正な就業環境の確保、休職等、配属先の決定、労働時間管理、その他雇用管理のため


基本情報 氏名、住所、年齢、生年月日、性別、電話番号、顔写真等 採否の検討・決定、採用条件の検討・決定、問い合わせ対応、事務連絡等のため
賃金関係情報 年収、月収、賞与等、給与の決定方法等
人事情報 学歴、資格・免許、職位、職歴等
家族、親族情報 扶養の有無等


基本情報 氏名、住所、年齢、生年月日、性別、電話番号、顔写真等 各種人事データ作成、退職後の連絡等のため
賃金関係情報 年収、月収、賞与等、給与の決定方法、退職金等
人事情報 人事考課、学歴、資格・免許、職位、職歴、懲戒・表彰等
家族、親族情報 家族構成、同・別居等
身体、健康情報 健康状態、病歴、心身の障害、健康診断結果等










1. 社員等個人情報お問い合わせ窓口

東京都港区海岸一丁目 7番1号

2. 社員等個人情報の開示手順

  • 当該窓口への開示を求めた申し出者に対し、当社が用意する「個人情報開示申請書」ならびに当該申請書送付先、手数料額および支払い方法を記載した手続き等案内書を送付します。
  • 当該申請書等を受領した申し出者は、手続き等案内書に記載された当社指定の方法で手数料額を払い込み、申請書送付先に必要事項を記入済みの当該申請書および当社指定の本人確認書類を送付していただきます。代理人による申請の場合は、代理人確認書類も合わせて送付していただきます。
  • 当社の指定する申請書送付先窓口にて、当該必要記入済みの当該申請書および本人確認書類を受領し、手数料額が払い込まれたことを確認できた場合に、当社は手続きを開始します。ただし、以下のいずれか(以下「不開示事由」)に該当する場合はその全部または一部に応じないことがあります。
    • 本人または第三者の生命・身体・財産その他の権利利益を害する恐れがある場合。
    • 当社の業務の適正な実施に著しい支障を及ぼす恐れがある場合。
    • 他の法令に違反することになる場合。

3. 社員等個人情報の訂正等手順および利用停止等手順

  • 当該窓口への訂正等の求めに対し、申し出者から対象となる情報を特定するに足りる事項が提示された場合で、利用目的の達成に必要であると当社が判断した場合は、その結果に基づき訂正等を行います。
  • 当該窓口への利用停止等の求めに対し、申し出者から対象となる情報を特定するに足りる事項が提示された場合で、その求めに理由があると判明したときには、利用停止等を行います。ただし、不開示事由に該当する場合はその全部または一部に応じないことがあります。

4. 社員等個人情報の開示に関わる手数料と支払い方法



Handling of employees’ personal information

The Company will handle personal information of executives and employees (full employees, commissioned employees, junior employees, temporary employees, secondees received, temporary staff) and persons who intend or intended to become executives or employees of the Company (“applicants”) as follows (“employees' personal information”).

Purpose of use of employees’ personal information

The Company will use the following personal information for the respective purposes as follows:

1.Purpose of use of personal information of executives and employees

Item Details Purpose of use
Internally disclosed information Name, employee ID number, department, title, employment status, company e-mail address, information on work terminal For business communication
Basic information Name, address, age, date of birth, sex, phone number, face photograph For employment & HR management, assignment (including secondment/relocation), creation of staff register, payment of salary, provision of benefit packages, social insurance-related procedures, legally required procedures and other employment management
Pay-related information Method to determine payment of annual and monthly earnings and bonus, retirement allowance For determining payment of salary, tax withholding procedures, social insurance-related procedures, retirement allowance and benefit packages, asset formation, and other employment management
HR information Performance evaluation, educational background, qualifications/licenses, title, professional background, disciplinary punishments/official commendations For understanding human resources, decisions related to postings/assignment of responsibilities, secondment/relocation, training/skill development, promotion/demotion, and other employment management
Family and relative information Family structures, living-together/separated status, presence of dependents, health conditions For determining payment of salary, tax withholding procedures, social security-related procedures, baby-care/nursing care leave, benefit packages, and other employment management
Physical and health information Health condition, medical records, physical or mental disabilities, results of health checkups For healthcare, ensuring an appropriate labor environment, leaves of absence, determining postings, management of working hours, and other employment management

2.Purpose of use of applicants' personal information

ItemDetailsPurpose of use
Basic information Name, address, age, date of birth, sex, phone number, face photograph For considering and determining whether to offer employment, considering and determining employment conditions, responding to inquiries, and business communications
Pay-related information Method to determine payment of annual and monthly earnings and bonus, retirement allowance
HR information Educational background, qualifications/licenses, title, professional background
Family and relative information Presence of dependents

3.Purpose of use of retired employees' personal information

ItemDetailsPurpose of use
Basic information Name, address, age, date of birth, sex, phone number, face photograph For creation of HR data and communication after retirement
Pay-related information Method to determine payment of annual and monthly earnings and bonus, retirement allowance
HR information Performance evaluation, educational background, qualifications/licenses, title, professional background, disciplinary punishments/official commendations
Family and relative information Family structures, living-together/separated status
Physical and health information Health condition, medical records, physical or mental disabilities, results of health checkups

In the event that the Company intends to use the personal information of the types of employee above for purposes other than those above, the Company will make clear the purpose of use and obtain prior consent from the relevant employee(s).

4.Shared use

The Company may share the use of the following employee personal information for the following purposes.

(1)Shared use for business communication purposes

Shared use item
Internally disclosed information in section 1. above
Scope of shared users
SoftBank Group Corp., other SoftBank Group companies (“shared users”), and companies (including subcontractors) which have concluded outsourcing agreements with joint users
Purpose of use by shared users
For business communication
Parties responsible for shared use
Head of Human Resources, SB Power Corp.

(2)Shared use for business operation

Shared use item
Items necessary to achieve the following purposes of use in relation to employees' personal information set out in sections 1., 2., and 3. above
Scope of shared users
SoftBank Group Corp., SB Atwork Corp., other SoftBank Group companies, companies with secondment agreements, health insurance societies, companies handling employee benefit packages, and the labor union
Purpose of use by shared users
Service support necessary in the course of business for employment management, benefit packages
Parties responsible for shared use
Head of Human Resources, SB Power Corp

Disclosure of, corrections to, and suspension of use of employees' personal information

For requests for or complaints about purpose of use notices, disclosure, corrections, additions, or deletions (“corrections”), suspensions of use, elimination or suspension of provision to a third party (“suspensions of use”) related to employees' personal information please see below.

1. Inquiries about employees’ personal information

SB Power Corp
1-7-1, kaigan, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 105-7529
Inquiries about employees’
personal information
Service hours
10:00 - 17:45
(excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and national holidays)

2. Disclosure procedures for employees’ personal information

  • The Company sends a “Request for disclosure of personal information”, addressed application form, and guide for the fee and payment to the applicant who requested disclosure.
  • The applicant who receives the request form pays the fee according to the payment method in the guide and returns the completed request form to the address together with proof of ID documents as designated by the Company. If the request is made by a proxy, this proxy is also required to send proof of ID.
  • The Company starts procedures upon receipt of the completed request form and proof of ID documents and after confirming the fees have been paid into the bank account designated by the Company. However, the Company may not respond to all or part of the request if any of the following “reasons for non-disclosure” are the case:
    • Disclosure may damage the life, body, property, or other right or interest of the relevant individual or a third party.
    • Disclosure may significantly impede the appropriate implementation of the Company's business operations.
    • Disclosure violates other laws or regulations.

3. Procedures for correction and suspension of use of employees' personal information

  • In response to a request for correction, if an applicant presents materials sufficient to identify the information and the Company deems that such a correction is necessary to achieve its purpose of use, the Company corrects the information based on its own judgment.
  • In response to a request for suspension of use, if an applicant presents materials sufficient to identify the information and the Company deems that such a request is reasonable, the Company will suspend its use. However, if the request corresponds to any of nondisclosure reasons, the Company may not respond to all or part of the request.

4. Fee for disclosure of employees' personal information and payment methods

The fee for disclosing personal information is 1,650 yen (postal money order) per request (+10% consumption tax).
However, the Company may not charge fees in certain circumstances. The fee shall be paid via the method specified by the Company.